Removal of excessive adipose tissue in the body via surgical methods is called liposuction. You can complete the operational period in liposuction together with the specialist and experienced aesthetics surgeon Çağatay Falcıoğlu. You can contact us to get detailed information for this issue.
Overweight is a quite bothering situation in individuals. Thus, they want to get rid of excess fat in their bodies via the methods such as sports and diet. In some situations, it is not possible to get rid of persistent fat via diet and sports. At this point, liposuction procedure is considered. Liposuction is absolutely not a weight loss method. Individuals should primarily get rid of your excess fat via sports and diet. In cases where it is not possible to get rid of fat with diet and sports, liposuction method is used. This operation can be applied to various regions such as hip, abdomen, leg, arm, and buttocks.
How is Liposuction Done?
People who want to get rid of excess fat in their body apply for liposuction. This aesthetic operation, called liposuction, has various methods. The said methods are as follows.
Classical Liposuction
In classical liposuction method, small incisions are made at the region where there are excessive adipose tissues. A fluid is injected around this incision in order to prevent bleeding. After the fluid is injected, vacuum is used to retract the adipose tissue via cannula. Fat removed via syringes is directly evacuated. The effect of the operation can immediately be seen after the operation.
Laser Liposuction
The region is anesthetized via local anesthesia and laser fiber optic cables are released in the adipose tissue in the region. The adipose tissues are decomposed via these cables and retracted by cannulas. In this method, small incisions are made in the region. Recovery period of laser liposuction method is quite shorter than classical liposuction.
Vaser Liposuction
Vaser liposuction site is marked before treatment and a certain amount of liquid is injected. Via small incisions made, cannulas are subcutaneously located to which a metal rod emitting ultrasonic energies is connected. Thus, the walls of the adipose tissue are degraded, and they are retracted via classical liposuction method by using a cannula.
Recovery Period After Liposuction
You should not hasten to return to your daily life. You need to give time for yourself and your body for the recovery period after liposuction. Despite it is a minor operation, liposuction is a surgical procedure. Before returning to your daily life, you should pay attention to some important points. Swelling and ecchymoses may occur after the operation. Consider the recommendations of your doctor in order to eliminate the said swelling and ecchymoses. You need to get information from your doctor regarding various issues such as sexual life and driving.
Complications After Liposuction
There are various complications that may occur after liposuction. The most important one is blood coagulation that may convert into sepsis and cause infection. It generally occurs as pulmonary embolism. This situation occurs quite rare. You should contact your doctor if you have fever, pain getting less in time, and swelling more than expected.
How long does liposuction take?
The operation is completed in 1-2 hours.
Is anesthesia applied in liposuction?
In general, local anesthesia is applied. However, in some situations, general anesthesia can be preferred.
When can I take a shower after liposuction?
You can take a shower 3-4 days after the liposuction procedure.
Is it necessary to have the sutures removed after liposuction?
Aesthetic sutures are used, thus there is no need to have the sutures removed after the operation.
How is the recovery period after liposuction?
Period varies according to the patient and the technique. Classical liposuction is the method with the hardest recovery period. Recovery periods of other methods are shorter and easier. A corset must be definitely used following the operation. Using a corset prevents the diffusion of the adipose tissues and shortens the recovery period. After the operation there will be swelling and ecchymosis on the region. These swellings and ecchymoses will disappear in a short period of time.