One of the alternatives preferred to have a younger look and a qualified appearance is the lower face lift. Within this scope, as it is possible to have the face get a more ideal appearance, it is also probable to be healthier. If you want to get rid of the sagging on your lower face, you can take the first step for the perfect period waiting for you by contacting with your specialist doctor.

It is obvious that the sagging on the lower areas of the cheeks, edges of the jaws, and the neck area make you feel older. Thus, the mouth area should have a younger look. Sagging is eliminated by lower face lift. Besides aging, this situation should be eliminated which also draws attention due to excessive lipoidosis.

Treatment Period: 2-3 Hours

Anesthesia: General

Hospitalization: 1-2 Days

Return to Social Life: 7-10 Days

Points to be Considered Before Lower Face Lift

In order to make your face look younger and more attractive, you should show meticulous care at every stage of this procedure. Especially if you act correctly, it will also bring the privileges that you will get in a short period of time. You can find the points that you should pay attention before the surgery below.

  • You should prevent complications by using blood thinners that may occur during the operation,
  • You should support the healing process by avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • You should inform your doctor about all your diseases and previous operations before the operation.
  • You need to act by knowing the results after the application and you should prefer quality in this regard.

Remember that considering all these details will provide you more advantageous options for you.

How is Lower Face Lift Done?

One of the details drawing attention in face lift and rejuvenation applications is the way of procedure. At this point, general anesthesia is primarily performed. After the patient is relaxed and goes under the effect of anesthesia, incisions are made to remove the sagging and cavities in the region.

Intensity of the incisions varies from patient to patient and the aim is to achieve the most ideal results with minimum incisions. Thus, your doctor maintains the process meticulously. Sutures are applied via special techniques after the removal of neck lipoidosis, facial sagging, and other negativities. In order to avoid scars and to get perfect results, meticulousness is at the forefront during the operation period.

Recovery Process After the Surgery

It is important to know the situations that you may encounter after the lower face lift surgery. Within this scope, it is possible to return home on the same day after face lift. Bandage application prevents the incisions to be damaged in the area where the lifting process is applied.

Swelling occurred after the operation possibly disappears in time. A period of 2 months is required to have a complete recovery on the neck. Thus, the patients should consider the recommendations of their doctor. Otherwise, recovery period will last more than expected.


  • Is it possible to feel pain after lower face lift operation?

    It is common that there is a feeling of pain and ache following face lift applications. However, in the event that these pains are unbearable, you should use medication under the control of your doctor.

  • When can you take a bath after lower face lift surgery?

    You would have to wait for about 48 hours following lower face lift surgeries. However, we still recommend that you consult your doctor for this situation.

  • When does the dressings removed after lower face lift?

    After successful surgeries, approximately one week’s time is necessary for the patient to take off the dressing and to gradually adapt to his/her usual life. Following the removal of the dressing under the control of the doctor, sutures are also controlled.

  • Can anyone apply for lower face lift?

    Firstly, a doctor’s control is necessary regarding face lift. Following this, the decision would be taken whether the application is possible or not. Continuing with the whole process under the doctor’s control will enable you to have a more successful result.


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