Neck lift provides a younger and more beautiful look by eliminating sagging on your neck. Within this scope, it can be stated that this application is one of the most valuable operations provided that it is performed by a specialist doctor.

Skin sagging in human body may occur due to gravity and volume loss. In order to overcome this situation and to have a perfect appearance, you only need to contact your doctor and make evaluations among the alternatives. Remember that you can benefit from neck lift in order to have a younger look by getting rid of the negativities caused by aging.

Treatment Period: 2 Hours

Anesthesia: General

Hospitalization: 1 Day

Return to Social Life: 7-10 Days

How is Neck Lift Operation Done?

In order to eliminate the negativities on your neck and get a qualified and perfect appearance, you only need to consult your doctor. Your doctor will offer you the most suitable type of operation. Thus, you can both have a qualified process and get rid of the sagging on your neck.

Before conducting the procedures regarding neck lift, the patient is anesthetized via general anesthesia. Then, the operation planned is started in order to prevent the problems on the neck. In case the operation is conducted as a single procedure and is planned to last for 2 hours, this period may extend to 3-5 hours if combined procedures are applied.

It is both possible to eliminate the excess in the neck and to get rid of the problems in the facial area. It will be possible to get more ideal results via the tubes, which are called drains, that are located to prevent blood accumulation during the operation. You need to contact your doctor regarding this application which is valuable to have a perfect appearance.

Recovery Period After Neck Lift Operation

After the neck lift operations, it is possible to have the patient walk and eat approximately 5 hours after the operation. The drains placed to prevent blood formation are removed 1-2 days after the operation. The bandages applied during the operation should be kept around the neck for 1 week on average.

It should be expressed that the swelling and ecchymoses occurred after the surgery are not permanent. It is possible to eliminate these situations, which are expected to disappear in 1 week, in a shorter time by applying cold compress. Considering the recommendations of your doctor during the recovery period is quite important. Thus, you need to control the process coordinately with your doctor.

Points to Consider After Neck Lift

There are important details to be considered after the operation. The said details both provide you to get more qualified results and avoids the post-surgical complications. Within this scope, we recommend you act by considering the following situations.

  • Avoid applications that may apply force on your neck,
  • Apply cold compress to prevent swelling,
  • Use the drugs prescribed by your doctor and do not get any medicine without informing your doctor,
  • Wait for 48 hours after the operation to take a bath,
  • Do not play sports and other heavy activities unless your doctor gives permission.

It is possible to have a qualified recovery process by considering all these details. In order to achieve perfectness in the neck area, take care to stretch your neck.


  • Which type of anesthesia is preferred in neck lift?

    General anesthesia is preferred at the applications for your neck to have a higher quality image. However, it is also possible for local anesthesia to be conducted depending on your doctor’s decision.

  • How long does it take to return to normal life after neck lift?

    A period of 7-10 days is necessary for the patient to be back in his/her daily routines. In the event that there are no problems during this period, you could go back to your normal life with your doctor’s recommendations.

  • Is there any scar formation after neck lift?

    There may be scars following the neck lift procedure. However, as the scar is behind the hairy skin and the ear, it will not stimulate any negative image. It is possible that there may be small scars at the front ear, it should be noted that these will become indistinct in the course of time.

    You certainly need to have a meeting with your expert doctor in order to get rid of the negativities on your neck towards a higher quality solution. You will remove the question marks in your mind while, at the same time, you will be enjoying getting the visual quality in your dreams. You can contact us immediately to receive information regarding neck lift.


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