Thread lift technique is one of the most important methods for the elimination of facial sagging. It should also be mentioned that thread lift will provide quite special options for people with serious sagging on their face and who want to look younger. If you think that you have an older appearance due to facial sagging and wrinkles, you can gain from thread lift within the scope of facial rejuvenation application.

Need to Know Before Thread Lift

If you achieve the desired appearance via thread lift, the first and most important thing to consider is that whether this technique is suitable for you. The reason is that if the technique to be preferred during facial rejuvenation procedures is not suitable for you, the result will also not be exactly what you want.

Before the operation, it should also be known that thread lift is not permanent. It will be possible to have a stretched facial skin by means of the subcutaneously placed threads. As the threads absorb and disappear in time, they are not harmful for human health. Thus, leave all the question marks related to the operation aside and benefit from the thread lift technique.

How is Thread Lift Operation Done?

It will be possible to obtain special solutions by benefiting from thread lift. After the relevant preparations before the operation are done, the process starts with local anesthesia. After anesthesia, the skin is cleaned, and ointment is put on. All the precautions are taken to avoid the sense of pain and cannula are placed at the pre-determined points by using fine-tip needles.

Lifting technique is performed by using surgical sutures. Sutures that are placed crossly provide the skin to be tighter. A perfect operation is performed via the lifting procedure which is important to have the skin achieve the desired appearance.

Recovery Period After Thread Lift

Via the thread lift technique, it is very valuable to have your skin be smoother without any wrinkles. However, you should act meticulously during the recovery period in order to carry this situation to a better point. Thus, the most important factor is correct application. You need to use antibiotics after the application. The effects of thread lift procedure will be longer provided that you act according to the recommendations of your doctor.

During the recovery period, avoid impacts on the operation site and direct exposure to sun. On the other hand, wait for 24 hours to wash your face. Avoiding heavy exercises and resting well for 5 days will increase the effect of the operation. In addition, you should avoid some applications such as sauna and solarium.


  • How long do the effects of thread lift last?

    The effects of thread lift to be applied on the face change from patient to patient. However, an impact between 6 months to 2 years could be generally mentioned. You should take your doctor’s recommendations into consideration for the process to be as long as possible.

  • Is there any feeling of pain during the application of thread lift?

    There is no question of any pain during the process as the aim of this application, which is conducted under anesthetics, is to provide that you reach ideal solutions without any pain.

  • Are there any negative aspects of the thread lift technique?

    It is not possible for thread lift applications, which are conducted by the expertise of Çağatay Falcıoğlu, that any side effects come about. The whole process is realized diligently and is finalized focusing on success. Within this scope, it is possible that this technique provides very special solutions.

  • To whom thread lift procedure cannot be applied?

    There are many people, who would like to benefit from thread lift technique, however, there are also people, for whom this application cannot be actualized. It should be mentioned that for people with cancer, people experiencing blood coagulation, and skin infections this technique is rather special. Therefore, you should share with your doctor if you have any diseases.


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