Vaginoplasty is one of the operations that is frequently preferred by women. Thus, the said operation and the way of application should be known well. You can apply for vagina applications with the quality of Çağatay Falcıoğlu and also you will achieve the most ideal solutions in this regard.

After giving birth, women mostly have very serious damages in their vagina structure. These problems that are also called vaginal slackening or loosening negatively affect sexual life. Especially this situation may deeply affect the couple relations by causing men not to be satisfied with their partners. On the other hand, decreased sexual disorder in women is a result of vaginal slackening. If you do not want to encounter such a situation, you should apply for vaginoplasty procedure.

It should be known that this application, called vaginoplasty, is denser in women who were exposed to bad traumas in the past. Slackening caused by giving birth leading physical changes are narrowed in an ideal way.

Treatment Period: 1 Hour

Anesthesia: Local - Local-General

Hospitalization: 1 Day

Return to Social Life: 7 Days

Points to Consider Before Vaginoplasty

You should consult your doctor regarding vaginoplasty applications. Despite sexual desires and couple relations are valuable, applying for ideal solutions is quite important. Thus, a surgery planning is done after all the pre-assessments. It will be possible for the patient to achieve the desired results after the completion of the surgery according to planning.

How is Vaginoplasty Operation Done?

The surgery starts with the planning process of vaginoplasty. The operation starts via local or general anesthesia upon the decision of the doctor. For the vaginoplasty operation, tissue removal is performed 7 cm inwards from the vulva. Sutures that can be absorbed by vagina are used while the tissues are being combined. Thus, it will be possible to have vagina get the desired narrowness. After the operation, all the problems related to vagina slackening are solved. On the other hand, we can also mention that some intestinal problems can be removed by these operations.

Points to Consider After Vaginoplasty

Recovery period is quite important after the vaginoplasty operation. Note that you should be under the control of your doctor to prevent undesired results in vagina, which is a sensitive area.

Be meticulous while choosing the doctor who will perform the vaginoplasty surgery. In fact, Çağatay Falcıoğlu will provide you perfect results as a doctor having expertise in this regard. On the other hand, it should also be stated that mild pain and bleeding after the surgery are normal. Dressing and drug use under the control of your doctor will positively affect the recovery period.

After the surgery, avoid performing heavy works and exercise for 4 weeks. Also, it is quite unfavorable to swim in the pool or the sea. The patient should pay attention to feeding habits and should avoid smoking and using alcohol. Also, you should consume plenty of water and avoid sexual intercourse for at least 6 weeks.


  • How many cm tightening can be obtained in vaginoplasty?

    Although it varies among the patients, it is possible to have a tightening of 3-4 cm. You should care under the control of your doctor by knowing that the most ideal solution will be determined by the doctor.

  • Is vaginoplasty a permanent operation?

    One of the most asked issues about vaginoplasty is its permanence. Here, it is possible to mention a permanent solution provided that no traumatic birth occurs again. Thus, the effects of vaginoplasty are satisfactory.

  • Is every woman suitable for vaginoplasty?

    As the final decision for vaginoplasty will be given by your doctor, a pre-assessment is compulsory to decide whether you are suitable for this operation or not.


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