Ankara eyelid aesthetics is a surgical procedure to remove sagging, bagging and wrinkles on the eyelids. This process makes the eyes look younger and more dynamic while improving the appearance.

Eyelid aesthetics is applied to solve aesthetic problems such as excess skin on the upper eyelids, bagging, wrinkles and bagging on the lower eyelids. This process removes the sagging or loose skin on the eyelids, making the eyes look younger and more energetic. It also preserves the natural structure of the eyelids and does not affect the functionality of the eyes.

Eyelid aesthetics can be applied with two different techniques. One of them is upper eyelid surgery and the other is lower eyelid surgery. Upper eyelid surgery is performed by removing excess skin, muscle and fat from the upper eyelids. This process prevents the eyelids from drooping and provides a more youthful appearance. Lower eyelid surgery is performed to remove bags and sagging in the lower eyelids. In this process, excess fat and skin are removed, resulting in a fresher appearance.

Eyelid aesthetics can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the number of eyelids and the difficulty of the surgery. After surgery, cold compresses can be used to protect your eyes and reduce swelling. In addition, pain relievers and antibiotics may be prescribed.

Eyelid surgery also carries some risks. These risks include infection, bleeding, complications from anesthesia, vision problems, eyelid deformities, and skin sensitivity. However, these risks are usually rare and you can minimize the risks by talking to your doctor in detail before the procedure.

Although eyelid aesthetics is a procedure preferred by many men and women, it may not be suitable for everyone. Before having this procedure, do not forget to inform your doctor about your health condition, medication use and medical history.

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