What is the purpose of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery aims to correct the contours of your nose. This includes the size and width of the nose, the profile of the bridge, and the shape of your tip. If you have a crooked nose that needs correction, improving symmetry will help create a balanced and natural appearance. In patients with nasal breathing problems, improving nasal airway transit will be an integral part of rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is considered the most difficult surgical procedure on the face. Although extremely complex and challenging, rhinoplasty is the most powerful surgery to change the overall character of a face. Not only does it increase your overall facial attractiveness, many patients have noted an increase in self-confidence and an increase in quality of life.

What is Piezo Rhinoplasty?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty, also known as piezo rhinoplasty, uses ultrasound vibrations to shape the bones in the nose during rhinoplasty. The procedure is also called piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty or piezoelectric rhinoplasty and is performed using advanced techniques to adjust the internal structure of the nose. This provides a more accurate result and avoids the bruising and swelling common with traditional rhinoplasty. In contrast, traditional rhinoplasty relies on chisels and files to cut bone.

This technology allows the procedure to be performed more accurately and precisely because the surgeon has direct vision. It also has the advantage of causing less trauma to the surrounding muscles, skin and tissues, meaning there is less risk of bleeding, swelling and visible scarring after surgery.

What are the Advantages of Piezo Rhinoplasty?

Eliminates complications from chisels or files
Reduces trauma to surrounding soft tissues, blood vessels and nerves
Minimizes bleeding and swelling
More precise than a chisel or rasp
Eliminates accidental breakage
It is gentler than traditional rhinoplasty techniques
Supports bone regeneration
Offers a faster and more comfortable recovery
Reduces post-operative pain
Achieves more natural-looking results

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